Thursday, May 23, 2013


Our Mission

We are student pharmacists at UCSD intent on highlighting the laws of the California Board of Pharmacy regarding controlled substances in order to:

  • Educate new pharmacy students
  • Provide a study guide to students preparing for the CPJE
  • Refresh practicing pharmacists to keep them up to date with new laws

This is important because laws are continuously changing and we want to provide a convenient and interactive resource to keep up with these changes. We also hope this site will serve as a quick reference to answer any burning questions you may come across throughout your daily practice. Our main goal in providing this resource is to prevent pharmacists and future pharmacists from unknowingly breaking the law when dealing with controlled substance prescriptions.

The Oath of a Pharmacist

At this time, I vow to devote my professional life to the service of all humankind through the profession of pharmacy.

I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of human suffering my primary concerns.

I will apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal drug therapy outcomes for the patients I serve.

I will keep abreast of developments and maintain professional competency in my profession of pharmacy.

I will maintain the highest principles of moral, ethical, and legal conduct.

I will embrace and advocate change in the profession of pharmacy that improves patient care.

I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.