Filing, Storage, and Disposal

All records of acquisition and disposition of controlled substances must be retained. These records must be in conformance with the record keeping and inventory requirements of federal law. This includes:
  • Prescriptions
  • Receipts and invoices
  • All inventory records
  • Reports of theft loss, or surrender of controlled substances
  • Form 222 

All records required shall be maintained for at least two years from the date of such inventory or records, for inspection and copying by authorized employees of the DEA.  Retaining records for five years is advisable due to the statue of limitations. 

Schedules I and II must be maintained separately from all other records of the registrant, and Schedule III, IV, and V must be maintained either separately from all other records of the registrant or in such form that the information required is readily retrievable from the ordinary business records of the registrant. DEA offers three options for the filing of controlled substance prescriptions, two for paper and one for electronic records.
  • Option 1: A pharmacy may maintain three separate files: one for Schedule II, one for Schedules III-V, and one for all other drugs.
  • Option 2: A pharmacy may maintain two separate files: one for Schedule II, and one for all other drugs, in which the Schedule III-V drugs are made retrievable by use of a red “C” stamp not less than an inch high, a requirement that is waved if the pharmacy’s electronic record-keeping system permits identification by prescription number and retrieval of original documents by prescriber’s name, patient’s name, drug dispensed, and date filled.
  • Option 3: A pharmacy may have electronic records, which are easily sorted. If prescriptions are received electronically they must be maintained electronically, and be readily retrievable from all other records.
Form 222

A triplicate order form for schedule I and II controlled substances that must be obtained directly from the DEA. The form must be filled out completely by the ordering pharmacy, and signed and dated by the authorized person.

There are 3 copies of the Form 222
            1st Copy: Supplier
            2nd Copy: DEA (forwarded by the Supplier after the order is filled)
            3rd Copy: Purchaser
Schedule I or II registrants can requests official DEA Form 222 on-line at:

Schedule III, IV, and V drug orders do not require a DEA Form 222.  These drugs can be ordered directly from the manufacturer.  However, you may be asked to provide a copy of your DEA Registration before your order will be prepared and shipped.
The DEA’s Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS) enables the secure electronic transmission of orders that previously required the Form 222. Details can be found at:
Note: The registrant must immediately report any lost or stolen Form 222 to the nearest DEA Diversion field Office, providing the serial number of each lost or stolen form or, if it cannot otherwise supply individual serial umbers, the approximate date of their issuance. The registrant must also report if a form reported is later recovered.
For more information on loss and theft related to controlled substances. Refer to Forgery Section.


California law does not expressly require that controlled substances be kept separate from other drugs. Federal regulations require that all controlled substances either be stored in a securely locked, substantially-constructed cabinet, or be dispersed among noncontrolled stock in such a manner as to obstruct their theft or diversion. 


To minimize waste, DEA registrants should only purchase quantities they intend to use.  Damaged, expired, unwanted, unusable, or non returnable Controlled Substances must be accounted for, retained, and disposed of in accordance with applicable State and Federal regulations. A Registrants Inventory of Drugs Surrendered (DEA Form 41) must be completed prior to disposing of any DEA controlled substance.  

Disposal records must contain:
  • Your DEA number, name, and address
  • The reverse distributor's DEA number, name, and address
  • The number of units (in finished forms and/or commercial containers) disposed of in any manner, including the manner of disposal
The disposal record must be dated to reflect when the products were sent for destruction and left your inventory.

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