Filling Prescriptions

For Controlled Substances

In general:

The order must be filled as written, unless the prescriber consents to a substitution of a generic equivalent. It should match the strength, dosage form and amount specified on the prescription. 

Pharmacists cannot obstruct patients from obtaining legally prescribed drugs, except in 3 cases:
  • If the pharmacist determines dispensing would be contrary to the law or would adversely affect the patient's medical condition based on their professional training and judgment
  • If the drug is not in stock, in which case the pharmacist would be required to arrange for the drug to be delivered to the patient in a timely manner, transfer the prescription or return the prescription to the patient.
  • If the pharmacist has previously informed their employer in writing that they refuse to fill a specific drug based on ethical, moral, or religious grounds. 

Dosage Limits:

There are no dosage limits on any drug, but pharmacists should use their best judgment when approached with a prescription for an unusually high quantity or duration. They should contact the prescriber if the order seems irregular or otherwise questionable. For tips on evaluating the validity of a controlled substance prescription see the "Report Forgery" tab above. 

Label Requirements:

  • Brand or generic name of drug
  • Manufacturer's name
  • Directions for use
  • Patient name
  • Name of prescriber
  • Date of issue
  • Name and address of pharmacy (or furnisher)
  • A prescription number
  • Strength
  • Quantity
  • Expiration date
  • Indication for use if patient requests and it is provided on the prescription
  • Warnings about taking the drug in combination with alcohol, impairment of ability to drive, etc.
  • Physical description of medication (color, shape, ID code)
A patient may request that the pharmacy provide a prescription drug container label using 12-point font rather than the minimum of 10-point font for patient name, drug name, strength, directions, and drug indication. 
The label on Schedule II, III, and IV controlled substance prescriptions must contain a caution that it is illegal to transfer the drug to any person other than the person for whom it was prescribed. 

Partial Fills:

For information on partial fills of controlled substance prescriptions see the "Expiration Date and Time Limits" tab above. 


Prescriptions for all drugs and controlled substances, except Schedule II's, may be refilled with prescriber authorization. 

Schedule II- 
  • cannot be refilled, patient must get a new prescription from the prescriber.
Schedule III or IV- 
  • prescription can only be refilled up to 5 times for no longer than a 6-month time period from the date of issue and all of the refills added up together cannot exceed a 120 day supply. 
  • the date of each refill must be noted on the back of the prescription or in another appropriate record.
  • the prescriber may authorize additional refills on the original prescription through an oral refill authorization transmitted to the pharmacist.
  • An automated system may be used for storage and retrieval of refill information if the database includes all necessary information, provides for online retrieval, and is checked for accuracy.
Schedule V-
  • refills can be treated in the same manner as a regular medication. 

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