Requirements for Prescription

Listed below are the requirements for controlled substance prescription:
  1. Must be dated and signed on the date of issue
  2. Patient's full name and address
  3. Preprinted prescriber's full name, address, and DEA number
    1. If the prescription form lists multiple prescribers, the form must include a checkbox next to each prescriber's name.  The prescriber must check the box next to his or her name when prescribing.
  4. Drug name and strength
  5. Dosage form
  6. Quantity prescribed
    1. Prescriber must check off the corresponding quantity check-off box
  7. Directions for use
  8. Number of refills (if any)
  9. Number of drugs prescribed
The prescription must be written in ink or typed and must be manually signed by the prescriber of the date when issued.

How Do I Know I Am Looking at a Tamper-Resistant Prescription Form?

The following are security features located on the security form that will help you ensure that you have a valid tamper-resistant prescription form:

  • “Prescription is void if the number of drugs prescribed is not noted” must be printed on the bottom of all controlled substance prescription forms.
  • "Void" must appear across the prescriptions if it is scanned, photocopied, or faxed. 
    • Pharmacist must always use their best judgement when receiving a prescription with the "void" pattern
  • Printed watermark: "California Security Prescription" on the backside of the prescription blank.
  • Protection against chemical alterations. "Void" will appear on any area that is altercated. 
  • Thermochromic ink that will change color or disappear when exposed to heat
  • Opaque writing that disappears when lightened.
  • Quantity Check-off Boxes with unit designation 

  • "Do Not Substitute" Check Box 
  • Form Batch Numbers: Unique lot number on the forms- each form within a specific batch is number sequentially 

Eligible prescribers must order controlled substance prescription forms from companies that have been pre-approved by the Board of Pharmacy and the Department of Justice. These companies are located at
